Our board-certified physicians specialize in IME disability evaluations. Our physicians are widely accepted and utilized by City, County, Municipal and State disability retirement systems.

First Medical Experts is a comprehensive collection of highly-trained and specialized board-certified medical providers linking the medical community with the legal and workers’compensation community.  Our guiding principle is our dedication to providing high quality service to the Disability Retirement System Community.

Our board certified doctors specialize in AMEs, QMEs, and disability evaluations.

In addition to their complete understanding of job descriptions, contrary opinions, diagnostic impressions, and conclusions, they offer quick turnaround in scheduling appointments (usually within four to six weeks).


FME represents California’s finest board-certified doctors specializing in the following areas:

   Allergy / Imunology  Hand Surgery  Pathology / Toxicology
   Cardiology  Hepatology  Psychiatry
   Dentistry / TMJ  Internal Medicine  Psychology
   ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)  Neurology  Pulmonary
   Environmental / Occupational  Neuro-psychology  Rheumatology
   Gastroenterology  Orthopedics  Urology


Our doctors are available to give presentations on current & relevant topics, and have a full understanding of med legal reporting, including the latest AMA guides.

— Mild traumatic Brain Injury and the Post-Concussive Syndrome — Mild Head Injury – Assesesment of Malingering— Malingering, Embellishment and Psychological Testing Issues— Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder— Understanding the Multi-Axial of the DSM-IV— Establishing Causation in Difficult Medical Legal Cases— Cumulative Trauma Disorders of the Upper Extremities – A Hand Surgeon’s Point of View— Fracture Management and their Sequella— Explanation of Tests in Orthopedics— Common Orthopedic Procedures— Urologic Conditions and the Injured Worker— Everything you Wanted to Know about Guiding your Way through GI Disease


FME is an approved provider of MCLE credit (Minimum Continuing Legal Education & LegalSpecialization Credit, #13260) as well as an approved provider of WCCP credit (IEA Workers’Compensation Claims Professional).Application Approval is pending for the following organizations:

BRN-CEC (Board of Registered Nurses Continuing CCM (Case Manager Certification)
     Education Credit) DWC Medical Unit (IMC-Industrial Medical Council)
CRC IEA CPDM (Certified Professional Disability
CDMS (Certified Disability Management Specialist)      Management)
